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Stories of Friendship and Heritage

About US

The Friendship and Heritage Foundation was established in the U.S.A. in 2004 as a Not-For-Profit organization and recognized by the U.S.A. Government as a 501(c)3 tax exempt status, Tax ID 20-0924809. Contributions are tax deductible under section 170 of the Code.

A board of Trustees consisting of the following individuals and representatives was established in Israel to assist and guide the education program:

The The Board of Trustees

Almagor Dan, Chairman and Founder

Agasi Leizi

Ansbaher Menahem

Avital Shlomo

Ben Ari Yona

Knaan Yitzchak

Drey Yeshu

A representative of the Fallen Families

A representative of The Har'el Institute

Our Goals

To inspire future generations to continue a tradition of moral strength, loyalty and friendship. To make sure that for all those friends who scarified the most, their contribution to our value will never be forgotten.


We will accomplish our goal through educational programming, information sharing, interactive learning, Internet web site, speaking engagements, documentary production and exhibitions.

The Foundation has connected with various educational organizations, from youth groups to schools to college associations resulting with over 45,000 youths who have visited our center in Tel Saki Israel.

We already have built collegial partnerships with the Har'el Institute, Ministry of Education and have commitments for multiple interactive tours and speaking engagements, conferences, educator seminars and festival films.


“if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything” (Mahatma Gandi).