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Stories of Friendship and Heritage

Major Yoav Ben-Nun
Son of Hana and Yehiel
3/5/1953 - 22/6/1982

Yoav was born in Kibutz Genosar in northern Israel. He studied in the regional Kibutzim high-schol, and was recruited to the IDF in 1971 to the Nachal brigade (Pioneer Combatant Youth), to which he didn’t want to go at first, because he thought it wasn’t combative enough for him. However, through the Nachal he joined the paratroopers brigade. During the Yom Kippur war he fought in the battles of Sinai. After his military service he travelled in many places around the world, including half a year he spent in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.

He also married his girlfriend Nina, and they moved to Tel-Aviv. He worked in the Israeli El-Al flight company as a security guard. Two days before the Lebanon War broke out his daughter Roni was born, but Yoav never got to know her. He was called up north, and never came back. He died in combat on the 14th day of the war.